Wednesday, October 21, 2009

a midwest fall...

Happy Wednesday everyone...or happy hump day as my mom said today! I thought i would share some fun pics from this fall. Even though we've been sick lots, we have managed to have some fun along the way as well. I love Zeke's face on this pic below taken Saturday at a youth hang out event. Zeke, Sam & Emma are happy as can be snuggled under the blanket.

Ezekiel & I had to take our last trip to the Zoo for the year and use up our train tickets. It was a chilly one that day!

Loving the hopscotch!

This was the evening of our Canadian Thanksgiving. We had lots of friends over for yummy dessert...

The kids had a dance party in Zeke's room with his little finger lights

OK these next 2 pics are bad because they are through Zeke's window..these are wild turkeys that have been hanging out in our back yard TWICE!! They give me the willies...yuck! Zeke & I scared them off the first day, but they came back so i had to take some pics to prove. They were even walking through Zeke's swingset!!

This is how i prefer to see turkeys!! This was my turkey for Thanksgiving 2 weeks ago, i forgot to get a cooked pic of it!

Here is a picture of the crazy snowfall we had 2 weeks ago, this is our deck:

This is Zeke ready to play in the snow (he was sooo excited this year!)

This is how much snow was actually left that we were playing in (there was a bit more in the back - we slid down the hill twice with our sled)

SO yes we are feeling better in our household and looking forard to dressing up for Boo at the Zoo next week and Trunk or Treat at church. I think Zeke is going to be a wolf (he just wants to scare people!) The leaves are turned and falling and we are preparing for winter (and looking forward to some more snow!!)
We are off to church tonight for Youth Group (for us) & Rainbows for Zeke!

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