Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Psalm 23

OK so I'm doing a bible reading plan on YouVersion. I have read lots of the bible, but I've never actually read through the whole thing. So this year I decided to try it. I didn't get started until late February, but at least I got started! I like the plan I'm doing as I read 2 or 3 old testament chapters, psalms or proverbs and a new testament chapter. I'm reading it via an app on my phone which is different, but I like that it checkmarks it off each day! Makes me feel accomplished.
So yesterdays reading was Psalm 23 which I memorized as a kid in Sunday School. But I'm reading everything out of the NLT (New Living Translation) and I just loved the final verse 6 of Psalm 23:

"Surely your goodness and unfailing love
will pursue me
all the days of my life,
and I will live in the house of the Lord

I love that word PURSUE. I accepted Jesus into my heart when I was a young girl. What that means is that I prayed and asked Jesus to come into my life, forgive my sins and help me live for Him each day.

When I was far from God back in my college years, I always felt a tug on my heart that I was made for something more. I felt this longing of something or someone that I was missing.

I'm so thankful for the day that Jesus woke me up, redeemed my life and forgave me of my sins. Jesus took the broken person that I was and made me new. I didn't have to come to him all perfect and cleaned up...I came to him broken, hurting and in a pile of snot and tears. I'm thankful for my praying parents who prayed for me unceasingly and challenged me when I made bad choices. I'm thankful for the opportunities I had during my year in YWAM (Youth with a Mission) where God radically transformed my view of Him and allowed me to get my hands dirty and serve in a way I never thought I could. I'm thankful that I have learned that God loves me regardless of my past and that He can still use me in spite of myself. I'm thankful for Jesus who has continually PURSUED me in His great goodness and unfailing love so that I can live with Him forever.

Do you know that Jesus is PURSUING you too? If you have any questions I would love to share how much He loves you and wants you to know Him.

Praying for you my readers tonight :)

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