Sunday, January 26, 2014

I am raising 2 exceptional life changers!

So I loved this blog enough from Matt Walsh to blog my comment:

Thank you Matt - from all SAHM around the world. I was so sad when I read that article this week from that poor girl that just doesn't get it. Not sad for me, but sad for her to think that the only accomplishments worthy of celebrating are things done alone and self exalting, not involving giving of yourself to others. I LOVED working and was very sad to quit to stay home, but some of my greatest joys have come in the stinky, loud, crazy moments of my house with my 2 boys. She challenged that "You will never have the time, energy, freedom or mobility to be exceptional if you have a husband and kids." And I feel like BECAUSE I have my husband and 2 boys, I HAVE the time, energy, freedom and mobility to be one amazing, normal, ordinary, exceptional Momma! How wonderfully blessed I am to get to raise 2 human beings to be exceptional life changers in this world! P.S. And I have backpacked through the Atlas Mountains in Morocco and competed in a triathlon me, raising children is MUCH harder and has taught me WAY more about myself!!

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