Friday, June 28, 2013

I am an "ONLY"

I read this blog earlier this week and was encouraged about being an "only". If you get a chance to visit Kat's blog over at Inspired to Action, I think you will enjoy it!
I’m Not The “est”
Few things can sabotage a woman’s self esteem like a vacation to the beach.
Maybe it’s just me and my own insecurities, but sheesh our trip to the beach a few weeks ago was a harsh reality check that I am rather officially middle aged.
As people roamed the beach wearing strategically and precariously placed pieces of cloth, I thought a lot about how I’m not the “est” anymore.
I’m no longer the youngest in any random group of people.
I’m not the fittest.
I’m not the fastest.
I’m not the prettiest.
I’m not the trendiest.
If we’re including mathematics skills, I’m out of the running for the smartest, too.
These aren’t self deprecating statements, they’re facts.
So maybe it’s time to stop focusing on trying to be an “est” when the more important truth is that I am an “only”

I Am the “Only”

The only woman my husband chose to spend the rest of his life with.
The only one my kids call mom.
The only person God chose to impact the mix of people in my life.
We live in a society kind of obsessed with being the “est.” Nearly every show on tv is some sort of competition where hundreds of thousands of people are whittled down to a single winner.
Social media has brought this pursuit of “est” to the masses.
But what is it that we are pursuing? The fleeting admiration of strangers who don’t even know that when we eat a Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup, we eat the chocolate off first and then savor the yummy middle. People who don’t know that thing we do with our hair when we’re thinking really hard. People we’ve either never met or haven’t seen since the last day of 3rd grade.
So for all you mamas out there whose bodies and business cards have changed a bit since your early 20′s, dive deeply into the place where you are known; the places where you are an “only” – this is where life to the fullest is found; among those that know your wrinkles, moods and grays and love you fiercely anyway.
BFF. Mother. Wife. Daughter. Sister. Mentor.
Let’s stop worrying about what we are not and give everything we have to these beautiful, powerful things that we already are.

Thank you Kat for your great words of encouragement!

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