Wednesday, February 9, 2011

still here...

Hello All! Not sure if anyone still reads my blog anymore since i don't write very often! Well i'm up tonight as the pain in my neck is not allowing me to sleep comfortably. Ezekiel and i were in a car accident Friday morning. We were hit by a 20 year old running a red light. It has been a rough week-end and i'm off work this week to try and recover and get some dr appts and physical therapy appt's in as well. Not sure what to do since this is my first time in a car accident, so i'm just praying that God guides us as we navigate this! Well, to those who still read are things on your end?


bekahcubed said...

I'm still reading--and glad you're safe. What a scary experience!

I'm plugging along in Columbus, not much new up here.

Unknown said...

I don't know if you still update this blog but, and this is a shot in the dark, if you get this make sure to say hello to Shiloh for me. This is his old college roommate Ryan Rohde. I work in the IT field and thought I would see if I could locate Shiloh and I got to this blog, excellent. My email is, shoot me a quick whats up and how you have been.

zeke video