Sunday, February 11, 2007

tea please...

Tommorrow is the Ladies Tea for all the Rock Solid lady sponsers!

It will be starting at 6:30pm at my house and i'm very excited! So far i have 9 ladies for sure coming and a few more maybies. It will be fun to get to know all the other sponsers a bit better and to welcome some of the new ones. We will be having some snacks and drinking lots of tea. I have several flavors of tea: Spiced Chai (my fav!), Cinnamon Apple, Orange Spice, English Breakfast, Earl Grey, Indian Chai, Japenese Green and of course regualr tea and reg decaf tea. Hopefully that is enough flavors to choose from. We are also doing a recipe exchange which should be interesting. I still need to decided which recipe to choose...maybe my mom's apple crisp recipe. I love entertaining so i'm really looking forward to it! I'll tell you how it goes...


Kelly said...

Good luck with your tea. I wish that I could come, I am a huge tea fan! I love reading your blog, Zeke is sooo adorable. Take care, and hope to hear from you soon!

Anonymous said...

oooo that idea, it's like Alice and Wonderland's tea party....any scrumptious pastries as well??? (sorry I've been on low carbs, and would love to hear of any decadent little treats you'll be ease my cravings..)

Have a wonderful time :)
(maybe we could do that the next time you're home!)


zeke video